Sunday 27 October 2013

Get Yahoo! Mail with Mail

With Mac OS X Mail, Yahoo! Mail and IzyMail, you do have the choice, but you can also use both side by side. IzyMail offers IMAP access to Yahoo! Mail, which means you'll see all your Yahoo! Mail folders in Mac OS X Mail, and if you move messages in Mail, they'll be moved if you access Yahoo! Mail in your browser, too.

You can also access your Yahoo! Mail account in Mac OS X Mail using the simple MacFreePOPs interface, which lets you download new messages with simplicity and speed.

Access Free Yahoo! Mail with Mac OS X Mail Using POP Over MacFreePOPs

To set up access to a free Yahoo! Mail account in Mac OS X Mail:
  1. Install MacFreePOPs and make sure the freepopsd service is running.
  2. Select Mail | Preferences... from the menu in Mac OS X Mail.
  3. Go to the Accounts category.
  4. Click + at the bottom of the Accounts list.
  5. Type your name under Full Name:.
  6. Enter your full Yahoo! Mail address (e.g. "") under Email Address:.
  7. Type your Yahoo! Mail password under Password:.
  8. Make sure Automatically set up account is not checked.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Make sure POP is selected under Account Type:.
  11. Enter "Yahoo! Mail" under Account Description:.
  12. Enter "localhost" (without the quotation marks) under Incoming Mail Server:.
  13. If you run into problems using "localhost", try "".
  14. Type your full Yahoo! Mail address ("", for example) under User Name:.
  15. Mac OS X Mail probably has already entered your user name, and it's enough to append "" to complete the address.
  16. Click Continue.
  17. Click Continue again, ignoring the error. We'll take care of that in a bit.
  18. Make sure Password is selected under Authentication:.
  19. Leave Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) unchecked.
  20. Click Continue.
  21. Select an existing mail server to send mail under Outgoing Mail Server:.
  22. You cannot send mail through MacFreePOPs. If you have no outgoing mail server through your ISP, you can use a Gmail or AIM Mail account's.
  23. Click Continue.
  24. Now click Create.
  25. Highlight the Yahoo! Mail account in the Accounts list.
  26. Go to the Advanced tab.
  27. Enter "2000" (not including the quotation marks) under Port:.
  28. Close the Accounts window.
  29. Click Save.

Access Free Yahoo! Mail with Mac OS X Mail Using IMAP Over IzyMail

To add a free Yahoo! Mail account in Mac OS X Mail using IzyMail, which provides access to all mail in all folders seamlessly:
  1. Make sure your Yahoo! Mail account is registered with IzyMail.
  2. Select Mail | Preferences... from the menu in Mac OS X Mail.
  3. Go to the Accounts category.
  4. Click + under the accounts list.
  5. Make sure IMAP is selected under Account Type:.
  6. Type "Yahoo! Mail (IzyMail)" under Account Description.
  7. Enter your name under Full Name:.
  8. Type your complete Yahoo! Mail address under Email Address:.
  9. Click Continue.
  10. Enter "" (not including the quotation marks) under Incoming Mail Server:.
  11. Type your full Yahoo! Mail address under User Name:.
  12. If your Yahoo! Mail address is, do type "" (omitting the quotation marks).
  13. Mac OS X Mail probably has already entered the user name for you. If you already find "qwertui" in the User Name: field, just append "".
  14. Enter your Yahoo! Mail password under Password:.
  15. Click Continue.
  16. Type "" (without the quotation marks) under Outgoing Mail Server:.
  17. Make sure Use Authentication is checked.
  18. Enter your full Yahoo! Mail address under User Name:.
  19. Type your Yahoo! Mail password under Password: again.
  20. Click Continue.
  21. Click Continue again.
  22. Now click Done.
  23. Cloe the Accounts window.
  24. Click Save.
  25. Open the _Draft folder under Yahoo! Mail (IzyMail) in the folder list.
  26. Select Mailbox | Use This Mailbox For | Drafts from the menu.
  27. Open the _Sent folder under Yahoo! Mail (IzyMail).
  28. Select Mailbox | Use This Mailbox For | Sent from the menu.
  29. Open the _Trash folder under Yahoo! Mail (IzyMail).
  30. Select Mailbox | Use This Mailbox For | Trash from the menu.
  31. Open the _Bulk folder under Yahoo! Mail (IzyMail).
  32. Select Mailbox | Use This Mailbox For | Junk from the menu.

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